March 25, 2022

5 Tips to Master Cold Emails as Part of Your Sales and Marketing Campaign

Are you often asked which email marketing tool you should use for your B2B business? How do you develop a compelling pitch? Or how to make an effective cold email? If so, welcome to the club! We share with you five easy tips for marketing and selling online.

Key Takeaways: 5 Cold Email Mastery Tips

1.   Prepare for your campaigns by setting up a separate domain, email authentication records, building your contact database and identifying your audience.

2.   Write a compelling email by adding an engaging subject line and email body, an appropriate CTA and a unique email signature.

3.   Make sure the email content is personalised for better results.

4.   Follow up on prospects with engaging and personalised emails, but avoid spamming recipients.

5.   Discover what works based on data by conducting A/B tests.

What Is a Cold Email Campaign?

Cold emailing refers to sending emails to people you do not know. By sending out emails, you can reach potential leads worldwide. Emails like these aim to establish relationships with prospects and advance them in sales. Cold emails are commonly used for B2B communications.

A successful cold B2B email marketing involves having your emails read and receiving responses from your prospects.

How Do I Master Cold Email?

Learn how to leverage cold email for business growth using these five tips.

1.      Plan ahead for your campaigns

For cold email campaigns to be successful, your emails must reach prospects' inboxes.

So consider creating a separate domain just for cold outreach. Maintaining a separate domain helps keep your primary domain secure and free of spam reports. A different domain also allows you to devote adequate attention to each prospect. Imagine having all your work, client, and cold emails in one place. Separating your cold outreach domain improves the efficiency of your sales team's responses. Use a domain name that matches your primary part. In this way, you can ensure strong branding and avoid confusing prospects.

You should also verify your SPF, DKIM and DMARC records. Email providers employ these protocols to authenticate email senders. If your cold email domain is SPF and DKIM compliant, it will be delivered to the recipient's inbox. Otherwise, your emails will bounce.

Following the setup of your email account, start building your contact database by looking at your mailing list. Cold emails should not be sent to invalid or non-existent addresses if you want to avoid hard bounces that could damage your reputation.

A cold email campaign encourages prospects to open and read your cold emails and take action, such as responding or making a purchase. For your campaign to be more likely to succeed, having a defined target audience is essential. So divide your database into segments and identify specific audiences. This will allow you to personalise and tailor your emails accordingly. Define your target audience by summarising your best customers' characteristics. By creating customer personas, you can make your cold emails more relevant and are more likely to get a response.

Having identified your target, your next step would be to write a cold email in a way that will appeal to your target. This can be achieved by understanding your prospects' pain points. Ask yourself: How do my prospects spend their time, and what challenges do they face? Is my solution capable of solving these challenges for them? Which solutions are available to them, and what makes mine the best choice? Answering these questions can help you learn more about your prospects and position your solution favourably.

2.      Find out how to write a compelling email

Writing an excellent cold email takes practice. Some people are more naturally gifted at it than others, but it can also be learned.

Start by learning how to write engaging subject lines. Your subject line should reflect what you're writing, the purpose of the email and the recipient. It is generally advisable to keep it short, pique curiosity and avoids misleading recipients.

It's equally essential to craft a compelling email body. It should clearly explain your email and demonstrate how your recipient can benefit from reading it.

Your cold emails should also conclude with a statement encouraging the recipient to take action. This is where you need to be careful not to be intrusive or presumptuous. Choose an appropriate CTA by considering the recipient's perspective.

Cold email signatures are especially valuable since they can lead recipients to additional content. Email signatures can include media or links to your social media accounts and websites. More importantly, email signatures show your credibility and make you look professional.

3.      Personalise the content

Prospects will likely be annoyed by another generic message attempting to sell them something. By personalising your cold emails, you significantly increase your chances of success. Personalisation increases open rates by 22.63%, click-throughs by 14% and conversions by 10%.

Cold email copy can be personalised in several ways, such as by mentioning the recipient's name, business name, occupation or interest. You can also look for something you both have in common and incorporate it into your cold email.

However, personalisation is more than just mentioning your prospect by name. For instance, if you're writing a sales email, you might consider mentioning your prospect's professional accomplishments. It's also important to remember that personalisation varies depending on the type of cold email you send.

4.      Prospect follow-up

Cold email campaigns require follow-up emails. It usually takes several follow-ups to get your prospects to respond or act. If someone fails to reply to your initial email, you shouldn't assume there is no interest on their part.

Send follow-ups based on the goals of your campaign. Keep your follow-up emails to three at most.

Note that it takes some practice to send an effective follow-up email. A fundamental rule is to refrain from spamming and take a longer break between emails. You can follow up two or three days after sending your initial email. Keep your follow-up emails simple, engaging and personalised whenever possible.

5.      Discover what works based on data

A path to success is paved with missed and successful solutions, even for the best marketers. A little practice and testing will do the trick. You can learn what works by running A/B tests.

To conduct an A/B test, select a homogeneous group of prospects and split them. Next, develop two campaigns that differ only in one aspect. For instance, you can test your subject line, introduction, delivery time, CTA, email signature and more.

Make Cold Email Work for You with Linked Hacker

It's essential to consider all phases of outbound email marketing when creating cold campaigns, from the technical aspects, personalisation and writing to testing and sending emails.

Ready to take your cold email campaigns to the next level? Book a demo with Lindsey to learn about our cold emailing services.  

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