March 25, 2022

Cold Email Mastery: How to Use a Cold Email Campaign as a Lead Generation Tactic

Sales and marketing personnel work very closely together, or so they should. Combining marketing and sales strategies can create a robust B2B lead generation process. Cold email campaigns are a somewhat untapped area of lead generation, and we're here to explain how to master your cold email campaigns.

Cold Email Campaigns

A cold email is one sent without you having to contact the recipient or obtaining prior permission. It is different from spam emails, which are emailed out to a large number of recipients at the same time, with no consideration of relevance to the recipient. Cold emails are usually sent to qualified prospects, which means they have been thoroughly researched to determine if they are a suitable fit. When you successfully use a cold email strategy, your emails are usually opened and eventually receive a response.

Your business can benefit significantly from cold emailing. It’s a powerful tool for generating leads, establishing connections, developing your brand and expanding your network. Using it effectively can lead to a tremendous response rate.

Several key metrics are used to assess the success of cold email campaigns. For instance, deliverability, responses and conversion rates matter greatly in B2B email marketing.

5 Tips to Generate Leads Using Cold Email Marketing

Let's explore cold emailing as a means of how to generate B2B leads. Here's how you can succeed at cold email outreach marketing.

1.      Assess who your prospects are

Choosing high-quality options. Taking a step back and evaluating your prospects before sending emails is a smart idea. Would you instead send 200 emails and get ten responses from candidates who are not your ideal client type? Or would you send 30 and get five responses from the right prospects?

If you have high bounce rates, your email deliverability can suffer. So what is the right way to do this? Analyse the prospects on your list if you want to minimise hard and soft bounces. Tools that find and verify emails are helpful for this.

In addition, you should practice segmenting your email list to organise your prospects more effectively. In segmentation, prospects are grouped according to their geographic location, income, qualifications and industries, among other factors. Segmented campaigns provide more click-throughs than non-segmented ones, so it is beneficial to have a targeted list for your cold email campaign. Even after launching the campaign, segment your list again. This will help narrow down your prospects more efficiently.

The location of your prospects is also vital to consider. Cold email campaigns are not entirely dependent on site, but ignoring your prospect's location can be a costly mistake. You can, for instance, tailor content to appeal to specific audiences based on their location. This minor tweak can make the difference in launching an effective campaign.

2.      Create a compelling subject line

One of the first things prospects see is your subject line. An ineffective subject line may sway the recipient against you. Emails might be ignored or marked as spam, something you don't want to happen. In contrast, leads are more likely to click on your email if the subject line is compelling.

To create a positive first impression, put your effort into it. Failure to do so makes it very unlikely that you will receive an open (or even a response).

A subject line that includes the prospect's name increases open rates by 22%. In addition to using their name, use something your prospects can identify with. Put as much personalisation as possible into it. Your emails will likely be deleted if the subject line cannot establish a connection immediately. Conduct A/B testing on different subject lines to find out which ones are eliciting more open responses.

Increase your likelihood of getting opened by considering your prospect's perspective. Consider the benefit you want to convey to the prospect. Is the subject line relevant to their needs or enticing to them?

Make it sound natural. Because you're writing to a human, you shouldn't appear robotic. Be careful not to sound pushy or formal, and aim for a friendly, casual tone. Avoid spammy language, and be concise when writing your subject lines. Finally, make sure your subject line is relevant to your entire email. Don't fall into clickbait, or you'll irritate your prospects.

3.      Write a killer opening

Once your subject line persuades the addressee to open your email, you've already made a successful start. Your goal now is to keep their attention and entice them to read further. Thus, it would be most beneficial if you had a captivating introduction.

Your email's first line needs to hook the prospect, which will require some research into them. Your introduction should, more than anything else, convey that you chose to contact your prospects precisely and that you didn't just randomly get them. Let your prospects put some thought into your email by mentioning details about them, such as their experience, accomplishments, work and company. Then, focus on why you are interested in contacting them.

You might also want to inquire about their problems during your cold email introduction. Better yet, point out the ones you are capable of handling.

4.      Offer valuable content

Value is something that will motivate prospects to respond to your email. To effectively generate cold email leads, find out your prospects' pain points and provide solutions to those pain points.

When presenting your product as a solution, emphasise its benefits rather than its features. Emails to B2B sales leads need to be subtle. Writing them isn't about making another sale. Their purpose is for you to develop a connection with a prospective client. To accomplish that, you need to take a personal approach. Focus your pitch on your prospects. Additionally, keep your message specific to avoid losing your recipient’s interest.

5.      Include a strong CTA

Suppose your prospect opened your email, read it and decided to sign up for your free trial. However, your email didn't explain how they could accomplish that. That’s an example of a wasted opportunity.

There should be a clear call to action or instructions at the end of your email. Consider your initial intent for sending your cold email when crafting your call to action. Please provide them with an easy way to complete that final step by providing them with step-by-step directions.

A CTA can be as simple as arranging a call with you, providing feedback or simply responding to your email.

Boost Your B2B Lead Generation with Linked Hacker

Cold emails sent to the right audience can be a very effective way to develop new business relationships and generate more prospects and leads. Please find out how by booking a demo with our team today! Receive pre-qualified leads straight to your inbox with Linked Hacker.

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